So, last week I had the opportunity to meet with Assistant Environmental Engineer from Prince William County Timothy Hughes. We had a good walk (other than me falling in the creek) and he took a lot of pictures and made some suggestions.
The fantastic news is that it looks like the county is going to step up and help! PW Public Works Environmental Engineer is currently working up a cost estimate to clean up the really big junk on the flood plain. It will take some paperwork, but they are taking the right steps!
Thank you Supervisor Frank Principi for getting all the balls rolling! I'll be updating here as progress continues...
In the meantime I am researching natural ways to deal with excessive algae blooms...we have one on the creek that appears to be killing off the fish...
Excellent news. Great work, Brenda. This and the Woodbridge Potomac Communities Civic Association clean up account for some much needed attention for Neabsco Creek.